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Vidrohi By Osho


Osho is the uncrowned king of the world. He rules over the common man as well as the profound thinkers. `Vidrohi` is a collection of his sermons in the form of questions and answers. Osho thinks that rebellion is the perfect indication of any religious mind. The purest form of spirituality is rebellion according to him. Osho is not in relevance with any of the past religious traditions or philosophical thoughts and processes. He has his own school of thoughts, it is so matured that it is complete in itself, able to start a new era. The society that he has in his mind is the one where everybody will deny personal assets and marriage system. While depicting this new era he very harshly reminds us of our outdated and conservative culture, which is worth abandoning. For him, meditation is the only way to reach the desired place. He gives it topmost priority. Osho reveals the secrets of this path in his simple, sweet language. He propagates humour throughout, he is naughty at times, all these make his sermons like an easy dialogue between him and us. We are impressed by his prodigious knowledge, his vision, his vast studies, and his boundless knowledge. Though our mind is totally absorbed in his words, it automatically copies the message from his sermons.
Regular price
Rs. 160.00
Regular price
Sale price
Rs. 160.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Vidrohi By Osho
Vidrohi By Osho

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