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Nath Ha Maza By Kanchan Ghanekar


He had such blue penetrating eyes; and a smile as innocent as a child. His face was extremely expressive. Were these the qualities which had made me crazy about him? Oh no! Then what was it? Why was I so crazy about him? There were many handsome men all around me, in my house, in my neighbourhood, in my college. On the contrary, they were as young as me, unmarried too. Then what was it that I was so attracted towards him? The answer was crystal clear. It was his style, his versatile personality, his attitude of asking, `So What?` in an audacious manner. I was enchanted by his straightforwardness, his ham-handedness. All his qualities attracted my basic attitude for sure.
Regular price
Rs. 395.00
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Sale price
Rs. 395.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Nath Ha Maza By Kanchan Ghanekar
Nath Ha Maza By Kanchan Ghanekar

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