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Mrudgandh By Indira Sant


An author has freely expressed his feelings for Indira Sant in the following words. `I myself have handled creative writing in my `Tokonoma`, Heervi Mane`, and `Chivarichi Phule`; I am proud of my work. Yet, I truly feel that I would never be able to write like you. Your writing has its own style. In our childhood days, we were greeted with jaggery and water wherever we may go in Konkan. The mere sight of the glass full of water and the pieces of jaggery were enough to take away all my tiredness. Together, these things revealed affection and the cultural simplicity. Your articles resemble that combination, bringing the affection back. For example, let us discuss your article `Lala Gojira Pakhrancha`. Hardly any male or female writer will come up with the idea of introducing the birds while on the lap of the mother. Once started in this manner, the story continues further with references of many birds bringing back the memories of many tender moments of your life; right from the small bowls of water for the sparrows to the birds crowding on the electricity wires over head. Without any intention, the time runs out, revealing the secrets of tender ages, moments of happiness in the company of the birds, totally unaware of it, just like the birds who are unaware of their flying. This unawareness makes their flying so adorable. But when a sparrow is stuck in a room and when she tries to come out of the room, to find out a way from the room, then her flying loses its grace. I find your articles resembling the inborn beautiful and graceful flying of the birds...
Regular price
Rs. 280.00
Regular price
Sale price
Rs. 280.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Mrudgandh By Indira Sant
Mrudgandh By Indira Sant

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