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Gammatgoshti By D.M.Mirasdar


खासबातमीचं भांडवल करणाया किसन न्हाव्याची तहा... पंचनाम्यात दुरुस्ती कशी करायची याचे प्रात्यक्षिक घेणारा नारायण कॉन्स्टेबल... दिल्लीला प्रदर्शन पाहण्यास निघालेल्या पाटलांनी घेतलेले विशेष ‘दर्शन’.... डिगूनानांच्या क्रियाकर्माला केवळ पैशांमुळे मिळालेला ‘वारस’....! नवशिक्षणशास्त्राचा प्रयोग बासनात गुंडाळून; पुन्हा ‘विद्या येई’चा पाठ गिरवणारे नवशिका शिक्षक... वधूसंशोधनाऐवजी ‘बुद्रुक’ का ‘खुर्द’ या फेऱ्यातच अडकलेला वर... अन् लगीन घरात सफाईने हात मारून सर्वांसमक्ष पोबारा करणारा ‘भामटा’.... ...या आणि अशाच इरसाल पात्रांचा आपल्या ग्रामीण शैलीतून मागोवा घेणाया द.मा. मिरासदारांच्या ‘गंमत गोष्टी’! The wiles of Kisan the barber, who had a knack of making capital out of juicy bits of news… Narayan , the constable who took practical lessons in how to manipulate a panchnama… The special ‘sights’ seen by Patil on his way to Delhi for an exhibition… The ‘heir’ that Digunana had for performing his last rites, only because of money… Newbie teachers who kept aside their knowledge of newer teaching techniques, and went back to the old ways of ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’… The groom who got caught up in ‘Khurd’ or ‘Budruk’ rather than bridehunting… and the thief who made away with his booty right under the noses of the marriage gathering… …meet these rascally characters sketched by D. M. Mirasdar in his inimitable rustic style!
Regular price
Rs. 190.00
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Sale price
Rs. 190.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Gammatgoshti By D.M.Mirasdar
Gammatgoshti By D.M.Mirasdar

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