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Ekach Pela Shivambucha By Dr. Shashi Patil


निसर्गोपचारा संबंधीच्या अनेक प्रश्नांचा चिंतनशील व मार्मिक विचार या नाट्य-ग्रंथात सहज, सोप्या भाषेत मांडण्यात आला आहे. ते केवळ व्याधिग्रस्तांनीच वाचावे असे नाही, तर मुमुक्षूंनीही वाचावे. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीचे व्यक्तीत्व हे तिच्या स्वास्थ्यानुरुप घडत असते आणि शुद्ध निसर्गोपचार हेच शिकवितो. सर्व लोकांना सर्व काळात उपयोगी पडणारा आणि सर्वत्र लागू होणारा असा हा निसर्गोपचार आहे. डॉ. शशि पाटील हे युरोपॅथिस्ट आहेत. ते मूत्रमार्गाने केल्या जाणाऱ्या उपचारांची नाट्यस्वरुपात माहिती देतात. मूत्र हा शब्दही माणसाला किळसवाणा वाटतो. पण त्या मूत्राचे नैसर्गिक महत्त्व डॅक्टर पटवून देतात. एका सत्यकथेवर आधारित ही नाटिका आहे. निर्सगोपचार उपचार पद्धतीने एका रुग्णाच्या आयुष्यात घडलेले बदल या साहित्यकृतीतून समोर येतात. त्यांचा निसर्गोपचार माणसाला खर्या अर्थाने निसर्गाच्या नजीक नेतो. The theme of this book is a real story which the author has presented in the form of a drama though the names of the characters have been changed. The main reason behind writing about shivambu in much detail is the queries that he was getting all these years from all his patients, those who were cured by the therapy of shivambu. As, it is not possible to explain the benefits of shivambu personally to everybody, he has presented it in a form of a book. Everyone should have good health, which is the basic foundation of a human life. Health makes life wonderful. This health can be achieved only while being with the nature. Shivambu is one`s own urine. The doctor cum author himself has followed the therapy for his benefit and has been blessed by it. He has cured many a people with the use of this therapy with a firm belief that nature cure is the best solution, a key for a healthy and peaceful life. We are a part of nature. Throughout life, or rather from birth itself we try to hold onto something. Many a times, we feel somebody as close enough, but it is only at the end of the life that we realise that actually nobody is for anybody. If we minutely observe the human life then we will realise that all our attempts are in one direction, to make the last moment a very peaceful and a happy one. This problem is totally solved with the daily and regular use of Shivambu. At least, those who are very much worried about the smooth end of their life should try the shivambu therapy.
Regular price
Rs. 180.00
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Sale price
Rs. 180.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Ekach Pela Shivambucha By Dr. Shashi Patil
Ekach Pela Shivambucha By Dr. Shashi Patil

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