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Choundaka By Rajan Gavas


आपल्या समाजातील देव, धर्म, अनिष्ट रूढीपरंपरांचा बळी म्हणजे देवदासी. `जोगतीण देवाची, मालकी गावाची` ही आपल्या बोलीतील म्हण तिच्या जगण्याचं सार सांगते. देवाच्या नावावर समाजातील राक्षसी वृत्तींनी निर्माण केलेल्या प्रथेच्या बळी ठरलेल्या देवदासी स्त्रियांची होरपळ `चौंडकं` ही कादंबरी वाचकांसमोर ठेवते. स्त्रीदु:खाचा नेमका वेध, बोलीची सर्व सामर्थ्य पचवून राजन गवस यांनी `चौंडकं`मध्ये घेतला आहे. `सुली`च्या व्यक्तिरेखेतून एक ठसठशीत वेदना आपल्यासमोर येते. देवदासीच्या जगण्यातील सर्व दु:ख आणि तिच्या समस्यांचा वेध घेणारी कादंबरी म्हणून `चौंडकं`ची नोंद विशेषत्वानं करावी लागेल. This novel represents the saddening story of the `devdasi` tribe. What is a devdasi? It is a tradition created by people with evil intentions for their own benefits. She is a victim to misconceptions, wrong traditions, so called religion, all created in the name of the god. A devdasi is offered to the god and thus becomes a public property. Any male member can claim her. She falls prey to the harassment of the people. This novel presents a true picture of her torture in the name of traditions. The author has presented the anguish through `Suli`, the main character. He neatly and immaculately presents the various aspects of a female mind, the language, the feelings, etc. `Chaundak` should be recognized as a novel penetrating the real facts of the life of a `devdasi`.
Regular price
Rs. 180.00
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Sale price
Rs. 180.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Choundaka By Rajan Gavas
Choundaka By Rajan Gavas

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