उत्पादन माहितीवर जा
1 च्या 1

Like A Willow Tree By Rei Kimura


This story is told against a gripping backdrop of war and the horrors and humiliations of the Japanese American war internment camps following Pearl Harbor. But even in the most dire and hopeless circumstances people can dream and Hanako and her best friend, Melanie Tanaka dreamt of pitching their unusual talent in fashion designing into the world of haute couture and high fashion. The odds against them were as unscalable as Mount Fuji in winter but dreams were free... This book is based on the true story of the turbulent life of Hanako Ishigaki as she was tossed around the winds of migration, war internment camps and an incredibly unlikely and impossible love affair woven into it to add poignance to a story of great courage and determination to survive and succeed against all odds.
नियमित किंमत
Rs. 350.00
नियमित किंमत
विक्री किंमत
Rs. 350.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Like A Willow Tree By Rei Kimura
Like A Willow Tree By Rei Kimura

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