उत्पादन माहितीवर जा
1 च्या 1

Ase Ghadale Sahastrak By Niranjan Ghate, Pramod Joglekar


ह्या गं्रथात पिरॅमिड ते इ.स.२००० असा साधारण पाच हजार वर्षांचा मानवी प्रगतीचा पट आपल्यापुढं उलगडला जातो. साधारण पाच हजार वर्षे म्हणायचं, कारण त्या आधीचीही प्रगती थोड्याफार प्रमाणात इथं पाहावयास मिळते. माणसानं इतक्या अल्पकाळात घेतलेली ही झेप थक्क करणारी आहे. Culture distinguishes humans apart from other animals. History of human culture is fascinating and educative as it allows us to look back and see what did we achieve in lst 2000 years. This book puts a lighton how as humans we made progress in various sciences, agriculture, clothing, medicine and surgery, construction and building technology, architecture, computers, radio and television, offensive technology and warfare. It also narrates changes that occurred in our social structures, customs and religious beliefs and everyday life of lay man. It tells how and when things happened in music, dance, painting, theatre, cinema and performing arts.Various changes in communication from the age of pigeons to mobile and satellite media shows how within a short time we accomplished great feats in these fields. The book provides a visual tour of human history of last two millennia that could serve as a reference book besides being a marvellous entertainer.
नियमित किंमत
Rs. 395.00
नियमित किंमत
विक्री किंमत
Rs. 395.00
Publication: Mehta Publishing
Language: Marathi
Ase Ghadale Sahastrak By Niranjan Ghate, Pramod Joglekar
Ase Ghadale Sahastrak By Niranjan Ghate, Pramod Joglekar

अलीकडे पाहिलेले उत्पादन

तुम्हालाही आवडेल